Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh No You Didn't!?!?!!!

I sprung up to my feet, alive and ready to start kicking the Tundra as it continued in its unrelenting destruction of key functional and structural components of my vintage hardtail Mountain Bike(MTB). Not only was the formerly whisper-quiet and flawlessly performing Shimano Deore Derailleur now rendered useless, but more importantly, and critical to the survivability of my road-converted MTB, the Derailleur Hanger, an integrated extension of the Bike's Frame itself, was bent to a perverse 45-degree angle; moreover the Frame's rear extent was obscenely out of whack now. Further insult was heaped upon injury when I saw a rear wheel rim now so false one could hardly reckon it had ever actually been true.

It was only after seeing me, jumping up and down in disbelief at the carnage he had created, that the Driver of the offending vehicle finally came to a stop; not yet fully aware of the physical and psychic trauma he had inflicted upon both Cyclist and Cycle...